Cognitive routes by car on the Baikal. Travel around of lake Baikal by motor catamarans. Northern Baikal
1. The City of Irkutsk - the village Listvyanka - Irkutsk.
1-3 days. 140 km.
Meeting and departure Irkutsk on the automobile. Taiga settlement
Small Goloustnoe after which the road is laid on a picturesque valley
of the prompt river Goloustnaja. The river is surrounded with multi-coloured
taiga meadows with flowers, is especial in the beginning of summer. On
the river it is possible to fish a spinning. The big Goloustnoe - settlement
of fishermen on coast of Baikal.. Dinner and preparation of boats for
navigation. Departure from village B.Goloustnoe on inflatable four-seater
motor boats on the north along coast. Under favorable weather conditions
to reach a bay Sandy it is possible through 1 - 1,5 hours. On a water
piece equal 35 kms there are many interesting places. In one of picturesque
bays it is possible landing on coast, to get on high steep coast where
it is possible to find a magnificent opportunity of the review of lake.
4. Irkutsk - the bay Maloe Sea - Irkutsk. 4-5 days. 620 km. The west
coast. A photo to route.The Map of route. 5. United routes #3 and #4. 6-7 days. 780 km.
The departure from Irkutsk - by Jeep.
The main part of the road passes through the Republic of Buryatiya. The
crossing by ferry across the Selenga. The village Goryachinsk (the resort).
The hot medical sources and mud cure. Lake Katokel is rich in fish. The
crossing by ferry to the village Ust-Barguzin. The Barguzin sandy dune.
Its length is 20 km and its width is to 300 m. Red beaches, warm water,
cedar dwarf trees. There you can see hanging bulk of high-mountainous
peninsula the Sacred nose. Full illusion of tropical island, however instead
of palm trees we can see a dwarfish cedar with hanging nut fruits and
tundra vegetation. It also is Barguzinsky having filled, the biggest on
Baikal. A conductor can offer you dishes the caught sazana, a kharius
and an omul from the local menu.
In April - May, when on Baikal still cool, this route perhaps the most comprehensible. To the Tunkinsky valley at this time it is warm and cosy. In a valley you will meet the thermal sources, having medical effect due to the mineralization. The medical orientation of sources is very wide. Here you can take a mineral bath, accept in inside and even to collect the certain stock of water and to continue to drink in domestic conditions (curative qualities of mineral water are saved during 10 days). And last days off June in the regional center settlement Kyren it is traditional to be spent national Buryat holiday - Surkhanban. This big and cheerful event for local population and visitors. In proscale of competition on shooting from the national weapon, struggle, gallopping on horses and other kinds of sports. The cultural program is submitted national dances and songs. And certainly acquaintance and dialogue with local population, knowledge of their way of life and customs. Departure Irkutsk on the automobile. Visiting of resort Arshan, carbonic mineral waters, the analogue of Kislovodsk mineral water, however considerably surpassing on a mineralization, is recommended treatment at diseases: eyes, digestion, cardiovascular system. The resort is located in a picturesque place about a spur of a ridge East Sayan mountains - the Tunkinsky peaks. The campaign in top of the river Kyngargi is here again pertinent. During 15 kilometers it is possible to observe the cascade of mountain falls. In these places it is interesting to engage in mineralogy and to find for memory it is a little bit exemplary semiprecious stones. With ascent for you all new landscapes of unapproachable peaks of mountains Tunkinski will open, and among mountain cedar, taiga vegetation it is possible to meet still the saved blue fur-tree. If you will visit this valley at the end of a summer then you can extract a pine nut directly from a cedar. In 25 kilometers from settlement Arshan the hot hydrosulphuric source "Pearls" in temperature up to 38 degrees is located. Popular balneary where for a small payment it is possible to take a bath directly on open air and at any time year. The source cures from illnesses of the impellent device and nervous diseases. Further our way runs rather to lonely and remote place - sources of
valley Khongor-uula. Here is found out over 10 outputs of sources which
throw up ferruterous sulphatic, iron - magnesian medical waters. The basic
indications for treatment iron - scarce anemias. After visiting sources
the way lays on the West to the valley of the Irkut. The review of a panorama the range Sayan mountains. The following point - Nilov's balneologic
resort , located in mountain gorge in which departmental boarding houses
were placed some. This place was is clarified archbishop Nile Stolbensky
in 1845 where he has created a monastic monastery, from here is the name
this of a resort. Hot up to 45 degrees the radonic source containing many
of a silicon acid and fluorine, unsuitable for the internal use, but unique
for treatment of people suffering from diseases of a skin, nervous and
illnesses of joints. This source will encourage the tired traveller and
will restore forces for the further travel. Accommodation for the night
in a boarding house. In the morning acceptance of a curative bath and
departure a Buddhist temple where to be a relic of all Buddhists - one
of six ancient relics, the touch to which enters a ceremony visiting of
a monument. And if will carry you can participate in a Buddhist ceremony
a Buddhist ceremony there local llamas spend prays. In the same place
you will see characteristic wooden a tower of a temple which was established
in 1917. At once behind territory of a monument there is a sandy mountain
where under ancient legends has landed to have a rest and get warm the
mythical god Khan Shargaj living on mountains Tunkinsky. Visiting of sacred
send will relieve you of man's powerlessness or female barrenesssand,
on local customs. In this place the local Buryat population collects
sacred sand and skeeps it in the dwellings, for exile of malicious spirits.
Meeting in Irkutsk. Departure by car to area Okinsky of republic of Buryatiya. The motorway passes through settlement. Kultuk (the south - western point of Baikal) and the Tunkinsky a valley. The first stop for installation of camp on a source of the river Irkut - high-mountainous lake Ilchir. 2000 meters above sea level. In lake live little Khariuses and elets which without effort can be caught on an ear. The district on which to be lake is plateau with which begin the source such known rivers in Siberia as; the Irkut, Kitoi, Oka, Anon. The local landscape represents flat hills covered is mountain - tundra vegetation where even in July the snow lays. The further way on a motorway lays to a source of the river of Oka and along its channel up to the regional center, settlement Orlik. In settlement there is a study of local lore museum, shops, gasoline stations. There it is possible to rent the lorry of the increased passableness or to employ a conductor with horses for departure mineral source Khoito - gol. And our way usually runs further in a bottom on a watercourse before merge to Oka small rivers Sentsa and is farther in top of this river. Approximately in 70 - 80 kms from the road Orlik, owing to the deep fords, boggy sites to become passable only for the big lorries.Other site of a way up to hot mineral source Khoito - gol, makes about 25 kilometers. The source at local population is considered sacred and cures of set of illnesses. Tourists here accept baths, have a rest and establish camp.From a source the track begins on pass after which the valley of extinct volcanos opens. The pedestrian campaign on volcanos borrows two days with spending the night in tent. Two extinct volcanos are named in honour of geographers - pathbreakers Peretolchin and Kropotkin. Distance between them some kilometers. When that active volcanoes represent a cone with a characteristic muzzle. About mountain there are extensive fields of a lava. This route is very interesting by way of geology and mineralogy. In these places you can find for yourselves a souvenir from semiprecious stones like a greenstone or lazurite. The way back to Irkutsk borrows 2 - 3 days. A photo. Map of route Mongolia 1. Irkutsk-v.Mondi-Hubsugul lake.10-12 days. Fishing - taimen , lenok. Lake Khubsugul - to be in republic Mongolia in 15 kilometers from frontier of the Russian Federation. The water area of lake is continuation of the Baikal tectonic break. The biggest reservoir of this solar country or as still name lake Khubsugul - the younger brother of Baikal. Distance from Irkutsk up to lake 320 km. Height of 1645 meters above sea level. This beautiful and severe lake with the transparent water, stretched among mountains and it reminds Baikal. The people wish to visit these two great lake more and more. They come for many thousand kilometers, and want to compare unique beauty of these Asian lakes. This route is interesting to the advanced fishermen and fans to overcome heavy impassability. Due to backwardness of industrialization of a coastal zone, water area and absence of interest to fishing at Mongols. Lake richly noble kinds of fishes, such as Khariuses, lenok, taimen, sig. The untouched, wild nature of lake and not a hasty way of life nomads (local residents) is interesting. The automobile route begins in Irkutsk and through settlement
Kultuk (a southwest extremity of Baikal) and the the Tunkinsky valley.
Then we arrive to settlement Mondy where the frontier post and automobile
transition in republic Mongolia is located. Automobile transition through
border is closed for citizens of the third countries. Further rather good
road results in the Mongolian settlement Hanh located on northern extremity
of lake Khubsugul. From village Hanh movement begins on east coast with
arrivals in a mouth of the rivers and walks on mountain. Movement by the
automobile on road or is more exact to a direction, is given very inconveniently,
especially during a rain. It is very interesting auto - a boat variant
of travel along coast . It is the part of travellers changes to an inflatable
motor boat and goes in parallel, basically is much faster than automobile
crew. And by a boat it is possible to cross on the western coast of lake
or to visit the largest island Dalaj - Modon - Khuis. Recommended duration
of trip 10 days. 1. Transbaikalia. A campaign for the owner of the Siberian rivers tamen and brothers his smaller (lenok, Khariuses) kind trout. The valuable kinds of fishes possessing excellent flavouring qualities. Extent of a route 400 km. One way 5-7 days. Recommended time of trip august - october Departure Irkutsk on southern coast of lake Baikal. The river Sneznaya - the fourth by quantity of a spillway in lake. Takes a source from mountains of a ridge Khamar-daban. Fishing on a spinning. Further departure coast. Depending on weather fishing on a ship, riding tackle for catching Kharius or catching by a spinning on the fly in a mouth of small river. Spending the night, smoking of a fish. Pass through Khamar-daban (1350 m.). Prevailing vegetation the Cedar and a pine. Here you can see a mountain panorama during 80 kilometers, try pine nuts and taiga berries. Rather often on road the wild beasts runs out! After pass departure the river Temnik and settlement with the characteristic name Taiga where it is possible to stay the night and employ for a symbolical payment of a conductor for the main event - huntings for the owner of the Siberian rivers taimen. The river Temnik is popular among tourists - water-transport workers, however there it is not enough true fishermen. You can not believe, the last year the copy of taimen 15 kg has been caught and it was necessary to dress his axe! The valley of the river amazes with the beauty. If there is a presence of additional time a route it is possible to prolong up to Great lake of Transbaikalia Lake Goose. Inhabitants of lake carps - lesh, a crucian, soroga and their devourers a pike, a perch. A photo
Departure Irkutsk aside coasts up to Intim - lake. Taiga remote
lake. Depth about 40 meters. In diameter lake of 200 meters. Torn off
a civilization a place.Silence unusual, sometimes broken by a roar of
a maral and call of a cuckoo! Inhabitants of lake move the naivety, I
was convinced of it, when fed Kharius in water with cookies. Khariuses
it is well caught on riding tackle. In the rivers Lenok takes more on
the fly and a piece of brilliant metal. Further the way lays to Baikal
through taiga open spaces, unapproachable rocks. From settlement Buguldejka
the road passes on a ridge and goes down on a picturesque valley to Baikal.
Once, when we went down to lake that nearly have not hurt a radiator of
the machine horns of a wild goat which had peacefully a rest on a green
juicy glade. On coast, depending on weather, tackles for catching Kharius
get out. At high excitement - fishing by a spinning, during a calm catching
by riding tackle. Basically fishers catch omul on a net. For a supper it is
possible to shoot a duck, which in these places not yet scared. 3. Fishing and an alloy by rubber boats on the river Irkut. 3 days. Delivery by a automobile in top of the river Irkut.120 km from Irkutsk, in the place Anchuk . Fishing on lenok, Kharius and even taimen during an alloy. Passage of a threshold. After thresholds the river accepts flat character. Here trout give a up the place elets, soroga which willingly prefer a worm and a dough. In summer monthes in the river warm water allowing to accept water procedures, and uncountable sandy beaches have to serene rest where it is possible to accept sunburn and to be going an ear. The alloy comes to an end in village Squanderers. From the Squanderer you will reach Irkutsk by a automobile .
Travel around of lake Baikal by motor catamarans
A "Great Baikal Trail" - perhaps, you have heard about this; but it is STIIL OUR DREAM ONLY. In project tours which I propose this dream becomes quite real IN THE MOST DIFFICULT AREAS OF BAIKAL. It is due to apperance of catamaran size 6x2.5 meters, with smalloutboard, we are moving all tourist's things on Lake Baikal . Of course we need radio stations like Motorola Talkabout- T5950 two-way radio for the range of 8 km . Project of the tours for 2005 (as far as I know - nobody has done this that way! - you can add an interpreter for additinal price, it is difficult to find here an interpreter; just people here don't go for such long way!): "On the wilderness path of North-West Shore Line of lake Baikal" Severobaikalsk - Kotelnikovsky Cape - Elokhin Cape - village Zama - Sakhurta - settlement Khuzhir by catamaran with smalloutboard ( 453 km .). You are trekking all the way from Severobaikalsk till settlement Khuzhir. Moving this way is very IMPORTANT as it cheaper for tourists. Dates: 10.06-22.06 (first group) and back 24.06-6.07 (second group), 8.07-20.07 (third group) and back 22.07-3.08 (forth group), 5.08-17.08 (fifth group) and back 19.08-31.08 (sixth group). The program 1 d - Transfer from Severobaikalsk till Nizhneangarsk by the cars, accommodation in Nizhneangarsk; excursion to museum of local lore, swimming in the lake, you get acquaintance with the guide and drivers of catamarans. 2 d - you begin with Severobaikalsk/ Nizhneangarsk, explore the river Tyya; and explore the river Sludyanka. Stop for a night near Sludyanskie lakes. See till Elokhin Cape the map in English "Across the NORTH-WEST BAIKAL AREA". Total 22 km . You visit the Sludyanskie lakes, Island Boguchansky and stop near Baikalskoe village for the night. Total 42 km . 3 d - next stop near river Guilga, 20 km . Then you came to Cape Kotelnikovsky ( 20 km ). Here you stop for a night. Swim in the hot springs . Notes are taken from the tourists " Cape Kotelnikovsky - Cape Elokhin ": Jael (young girl from Israel ), German tourists Gabriele and Rando Steinbach that came to us in September 1999. Total 40 km . 4 d - Move till Tatarnikova Ruslo (14km). "The men living in Kotelnikovski told us, that it`s difficult to cross river Kurkula. May be, that is right in spring, but in September crossing was no problem at all". On Bolsoday a good fishing in a small lake! Move till Cape Kovrizhka (14km). "Pawel, who is the man living there, was very kind and he took us with his boat over the gap in the beach, that opens the way for the water into the bay. So we went round Cape Bolsodej on the shore and didn`t use the land-path that is marked in the map". Good fishing in small lake on Kovrizhka Cape ! Total 28 km . 5-6 d - Move till Cape Bolshaya Kosa (13km). "Muzinajskaja Guba: There you have exactly the same situation as in Guba Bolsodej: In the map it seems to be a way on the beach, but in reality there is no possibilty to cross the connection between Lake Baikal and the small lake behind the shore-line without a boat. We shouted and waved towards the other bank for a while and then the man living there came out, and picked us up with his boat. When you are not in the same luck as we were, you have to go round the small lake and it will take you an additional day, I believe". Good fishing in a small lake. Move till Cape Hibelen (18km). " Cape Malaja Kosa: From there up to Cape Hibelen is absolutely no way. Not on the beach (steep rocks falling into deep water) and not up in the forest (broken trees make it very difficult to find a way through). We needed about 4 hours for 2 kilometers in the forest. Jael tried to make it on the beach and had a bad fall from a rock into Lake Baikal with her pack on the shoulders. It was really dangerous, I think. She managed it, to come out of the water but everything was completely wet. When we met her again in the hut near Cape Hibelen , she got some clothes from Gabriele and it was possible to dry all her things because there is a oven and it was no problem to collect dry wood". Hiking on radial route to mountains if the tourists desire! Feather wouldn't be such attractive places for fishing! Total 31 km . 7 d - Move till Cape Bolshoy Chereshany ( 8 km ). "Bol.Ceremsanyi: The people living there, Witali, Galja and their son Sascha, warned us to go further on to Cape Elohin . The Mountains are steep on this last part and the path is very narrow and was wet from rain. So we stayed for a day in Ceremsanyi and gave Victor a sign, when he passed with his boat. Their is a pier in Ceremsanyi and it was no problem for Victor to stop and pick us up. Cape Elohin we passed only on Lake Baikal ". Acquaintance with cottages. Move till Cape Elokhin (10km). Getting acquaintance with a huntsman of Baikalo-Lensky Preserve. Russian bath house. Total 18 km . 8 d - Move till Cape Sredney Kedrovy ( 16 km ). From here you use the map 14 in Russian album of maps around lake Baikal : "Pribaikalie", scale in one sm two km. Move till Bay Zavorotny ( 16 km ). Total 32 km . 9 d - Move till Bay Solontsovaya ( 24 km ). It is possible to visit lakes not so far from Cape Maly Solontsovy and Bolshoi Solontsovy Cape . Move till Cape Pokoiniki ( 15 km ). Total 39 km . 10 d - Move till Cape Shartlay , then you trekking the house about 2 km somewhat ( 14 km ). Move till Cape Kocherykovcky ( 23 km ). Total 37 km . 11 d - Move till the village Kocherikova - it took 14 km , then to the shore it has taken 4 km ; by the water it is 11 km . Move till the village Onguren - it took 27 km , then to the shore it has taken 4 km ; by the water it is 17 km . . Move till the village Zama - it took 22 km , then to the shore it has taken 3 km ; by the water it is 22 km - it is Bay Kodovy. Total 50 km . Attention!!! You have an opportunity to cross "MALOE MORE" ( 15 km ) and to explore the shoreline of Olkhon Island during next 2 days. For doing this you are to bigin the moving at 6 o'cloak in the morning and USE PADDLES BY ALL MEN IN CATAMARAN, in this case you can cross the "MALOE MORE" under working smalloutboard also. Total 50 km . In this case you have moved 387 km from Nizhneangarsk. 12 d - Move till Cape Yadyrtui ( 32 km ). Move till Cape Khadarta ( 24 km ). Total 56 km . 13 d - Cross Maloe More, move near Island Ogoy and move toward Khuzhir, see map 30. Total 36 km . Now it is 430 km from Nizhneangarsk. Notes: 1. A group of 12 people is served. Price 460 € Price includes: meetings/seeing off, all transfers according with the program (till Chevyrkujsky Bay), one day accommodation in Nizhneangarsk (it is cheaper here!), excursion to museum of local lore, entrance fees, full board (meals - 3 times a day), rent of tents, rent of sleeping bags and mats, life-belts, kitchen utensils etc., all permits: for visit of nature parks and preserve; work of guide and drivers of catamarans. 2. You may be the whole family (take your mother and father). Having with you only photograph camera or video camera! All your luggage will be moving by by catamarans on Lake Baikal . Driver (he is also a cook) will help you to prepare the food and a guide will help you. You shall have a life-belt. 3. There is less mosquitoes on shoreline of lake Baikal . You shall follow your route on the maps: till Elokhin Cape the map in English "Across the NORTH-WEST BAIKAL AREA", in Russian album of maps around lake Baikal : "Pribaikalie", scale in one sm two km 4. You are to get your personal gear: tents, rugs, sleeping bags, life-belts. Every tourist must have: Wind-prove cloth, waterproof coat, rubber booth, warm sweater, sport suite, sports/gym shoes, sport little cap, gloves maid from textile, electric torch, means of persona; hygiene, personal tableware. You are to inoculate against encephalitis or to have tablets "Jodantipyrinei" in June, but in July - August bites of tic very small. Danger! You should always keep close to the shore; if there would be sudden wind - you must have enough time to drag the catamarans on the shore!
BTC-3-1 "On the wilderness path of East Shore Line of lake Baikal". A "Great Baikal Trail" - perhaps, you have heard about this; but it is STIIL OUR DREAM ONLY. In project tours which I propose this dream becomes quite real IN THE MOST DIFFICULT AREAS OF BAIKAL. It is due to appearance of catamaran size 6x2.5 meters, with small outboard, we are moving all tourist's things on Lake Baikal . Of course we need radio stations like Motorola Talkabout- T5950 two-way radio for the range of 8 km . Project of the tours for 2005 (as far as I know - nobody has done this that way! - you can add an interpreter for additional price, it is difficult to find here an interpreter; just people here don't go for such long way!) Dates: 1.07 (the tour begins in Nizhneangarsk) - 12.07 (end of the tour in Monahovo); 14.07 (the tour begins in Monahovo) - 26.07 (the end of the tour in Nizhneangarsk) - in these dates would be the first two groups. 8.08 (the tour begins in Nizhneangarsk) - 20.08 (end of the tour in Monahovo); 22.08 (the tour begins in Monahovo) - 3.09 (the end of the tour in Nizhneangarsk) - in these dates would be the last two groups. On moving by the last group (22.08-3.09 the Chevyrkujsky Bay - Nizhneangarsk) lake Baikal begins to ruffle, maybe storm days; so your coming to Nizhneangarsk maybe postponed and it will be possible to finish the travel due to situation on Baikal. Very weak is a telephone connection on summer sanatorium "Khakusy" ( 50 km ), with former village Davsha on eastern shore of lake Baikal, it is possible to speak with Ust-Barguzin. The program Severobaikalsk - Nizhneangarsk (by a car, 30 km ) - Chevyrkujsky Bay, You are trekking all the way from Nizhneangarsk till the Chevyrkujsky Bay, explore Chevyrkujsky Bay with catamaran, a second group is moving from Chevyrkujsky Bay till Nizhneangarsk. Moving this way is very IMPORTANT as it cheaper for tourists. 1 d - Transfer from Severobaikalsk till Nizhneangarsk by the cars, accommodation in Nizhneangarsk; excursion to museum of local lore, swimming in the lake, you get acquaintance with the guide and drivers of catamarans. 2 d - Good luck! First you to cross with catamaran the river Kichera, exit to the eastern side of Lake Baikal possible to do on Yarki Island ( 8 km , see map 2). You are cross with catamaran: 2 two hundred branches of river Verkhyaya Angara, Yarki Islands have the full length of 20 km and width of about 50 meters , there are birch trees. Island Milliony is the begin of ornithological reserve created here for defence of birds in the delta of the river Verkhyaya Angara. You reach Dagar Bay . Stop for the night near the channel Angarakanchik. 20 km . The paths are very difficult, you go on shore. You reach the Cape Erekshakan . 20 km . Today you cross with catamaran the river Frolikha. You move to Frolov Cape then to Lakanda Cape (see map 8), came to the Ayaya Bay ; there catamaran will be waiting for you. Stop for the night about Ayaya Bay. So you moved 72 km (part of it you hiked). 3 d - You go for one day to visit Frolikha lake. First you hike 8 km till you get Frolikha lake. You can buy a map " Lake Frolikha " and Catamaran will stay at Ayaya Bay . Here you can go for hiking to the Frolikha Lake (it is about 8 km one way) and you can get more detailed acquaintance with lake Frolikha . It is considered the pearl of Northern Baikal , size 2x6 km to north and east 2x10 km, very reach with fish. 4 d - Best way to reach the Cape Tucalaragdy when you are going from Ayaya Bay to the south corner just after crossing little river then 15 minutes ascent by the path, there is larch trees and creep-trees - the path comes to middle of spur; after that the path follow on descent in the larch forest, after 1.5 - 2 hours you found yourself on the shore of lake Baikal in mouth of tiny brook Tucalaragda - very interesting that a water above ice is kept till the end of July ( there is a little hunting hut)! You are reaching Khakusy sanatorium by shore. Stop for the night about the Khakusy Bay . About 16 km of trekking, paths are very bad - many tourists can't reach Khakusy for the whole day! Or 19 km by water on catamarans. Here sanatorium Khakusy ( hot springs ), you can swim here for additional payment. It is 4 km of beach, on the south it stops by rocky columns of Aman-Kit Cape . Here it is good to move by water in the catamaran to the Cape Turaly ( 5 km ), there is one of the most beautiful places on the eastern coastline of Lake Baikal - "singing" dune! There is very high path about Cape Organon ! You reach the river Shirilda, in 2 km from river Shirilda located the Evenk Leonid Kolmakov's farm "Birukan". In summer there are very far are reindeers, perhaps it is possible to arrange with Leonid Kolmakov seeing them in the farm! Not so far is gydrometeorological service station Tompa, two houses; stop for the night. 30 km , so you moved 72 km (part of it you hiked). 5 d - You cross the rivers Tompuda and Shegnanda with catamaran, there is farm of Strogovs; there you can ask for additional payment to prepare Russian Bath, there also you can buy a fresh milk!. After the Shegnanda river there is good horse path to mouth of the river Irinda, much better to use it. 24 km , reach the Cape Galandikit , you trek to the river "Urbikan"; 22 km. Stop for night - you moved 66 km (part of it you hiked). 6 d - You trek on the shore till the brook (it is the 5-th river including river "Urbikan"). 20 km , you cross the rivers Kabanya with catamaran. From the Kabanya river till the village Davsha you can meet at any moment bear! Stop near the hut (very close to brook Ezovka - you can cross 3 brooks including brook Ezovka), 20 km . You cross the river Bolshaya with catamaran then you trek till the Cape Cherny . You reach the village Davsha - it is centre of Barguzin Nature Preserve. You can visit the museum of Nature , 20 km. Here you can buy fresh milk and even to ask to prepare Russian Banya! - there are left only 3-5 houses from the from village Davsha. One of our guides has worked here 17 years in Barguzin Preserve! - now he lives in Nizhneangarsk. Stop for night - you moved 66 km (part of it you hiked). 7 d - cross the rivers Turkulik with catamaran and reach the Sosnovka river. 12 km. You cross the Sosnovka river with a catamaran. You reach Shumilikha river. Here the sauth border of Barguzin Preserve. Stop for night - you moved 30 km (part of it you hiked). 8 d - Today is very difficult and tiresome excursion - higher and higher. One day excursion on the river Shumiliha. Shumiliha is south river of Preserve, the river begins in the mountains about 2000 meters above sea level. You are acquainted with all nature zones of Barguzin Preserve! No other river of Preserve give you the possibility. You go from the mouth of the river Shumilikhi for about 4 km then on the left side of the river Shumilikha by steep ascent in pine forest. On your way you can to have a rest in two hunting huts, see wonderful views till the Alpine Meadows, see 3 mountain lakes; there are a lot of waterfalls - all that it will take you about 11-12 hours. Stop for the night about mouth of the river Shumilikha. 13 km of trekking . 9 d - you reach Bolshaya Cheremshanaya river and cross it with catamaran. Stop for the night about the river Bolshaya Cheremshanaya, in the right side of the river. 17 km. Here is not path till the river Malaya Cheremshanaya - you move till it on catamaran (about 8 km ), even the path from river Malaya Cheremshanaya goes along the brook Medvezhy and is lost in the wind-fallen trees; again descent to the shore of Lake Baikal. Again the places very pressed, then ascent to the steep slope; descent in a broad valley of the river Kedrovaya, to it 2 km there is hunting hut. From here there is no path! - it only appears for several kilometers for the village Chivyrkusky, that is why you are to move on the catamaran! - about 11 km . Stop for the night about the village Chivyrkusky. Stop for night - you moved 45 km (part of it you hiked). 10-11 d - Chevyrkujsky Bay one of the best in Lake Baikal, it is about 75 km around; you spent one or 2 day for exploring this; you have moved to Cape Fertyk and to the village Chevyrkuj, then you explore the Chevyrkujsky Bay with catamarans. All you moved 360 km . 12 d - departure to settlement Ust-Barguzin, to Ulan-Ude or to Irkutsk. Notes: 1. A group of 12 people is served. Price 394 € . Price includes: meetings/seeing off, all transfers according with the program (till Chevyrkujsky Bay), one day accommodation in Nizhneangarsk (it is cheaper here!), excursion to museum of local lore, swimming in Khakusy hot springs, entrance fees, full board (meals - 3 times a day), rent of tents, rent of sleeping bags and mats, life-belts, kitchen utensils etc., all permits: for visit of nature parks and preserve; work of guide and drivers of catamarans. 2. You may be the whole family (take your mother and father). Having with you only photograph camera or video camera! All your luggage will be moving by by catamarans on Lake Baikal . Driver (he is also a cook) will help you to prepare the food and a guide will help you. You shall have a life-belt. 3. There is less mosquitoes on shoreline of lake Baikal . You shall follow your route on the map in Russian album of maps around lake Baikal : "Pribaikalie", scale in one sm - two km (1:20000) and the map " Lake Frolikha ", scale in 1 sm - 500 meters (1:50000). 4. You are to get your personal gear: tents, rugs, sleeping bags, life-belts. Every tourist must have: Wind-prove cloth, waterproof coat, rubber booth, warm sweater, sport suite, sports/gym shoes, sport little cap, gloves maid from textile, electric torch, means of persona; hygiene, personal tableware. You are to inoculate against encephalitis or to have tablets "Jodantipyrinei" in June, but in July - August bites of tic very small. Danger! You should always keep close to the shore; if there would be sudden wind - you must have enough time to drag the catamarans on the shore! We recommend for defend from mosquito to use protect gauze.
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© 11.04.2007. BaikalCarTour